dimanche 3 décembre 2017

Hello i'm back, it's been a long time since i posted something here. So here's the new stuff that i have done since last time. I have done a lot of stuff so i might even forget some things.

Different Clones

The game has well evolved. It has three different clones :  the normal one, the bouncing one and the freezing one. The bouncing let a jumper when it dies and you can use it to jump really higher, the freezing freezes the stuff he dies on (for example a saw or a "wrecking ball"). It has now 4 levels, they are all quite easy to help the player understand the mechanics. of the game.

Contact Listener

In the game, i did the contact Listener so that's what tells the game what to do when a contact happens. So for example when the player is in contact with the ground then he's allowed to jump but if he isn't is not allowed to. Also when he hits an obstacle (for example spikes) that's what makes him die and respawn.


 End Flag

I also did the end level flag. It's really a simple design but when you touch it (the contac tListener is used again) it destroys this level and it teleports you to the next level and you can continue your beautiful adventure.

The User Interface

And for the last but not the least, i made the user interface that pops when you die or change of level, that allows you to choose between all the different kind of clones that you can have.

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